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Sustainable Tourism

Sustainable Tourism

Tourists are increasingly concerned about reducing their environmental footprint, therefore the idea of Sustainable Tourism is finding its way into the tourism industry. 

Levers of Sustainable Tourism

Plastic Free

Plastics are one of the biggest enemies of the environment. Can we eliminate plastics, up to a possible extent, in our facilities?

Renewable Power

Renewable power means generating electricity from  resources like the wind, sun, water, and  geothermal heat. Can we use Renewable Energy as our primary source in our hotel?

Organic Product

Using organic products reduces the use of harmful chemicals. Can we use organic food items and textiles in our facilities?

Waste Management

Every hotel generates various types of waste. A proper wastewater management system and other recycling practices can lead us towards sustainability.

Local Product

Travellers love to interact with local people, food habits, culture and lifestyles. Can we use locally procured items in our hotels?

Protect Nature

We should not make, sell or buy souvenirs made of plant or animal bodies.   Also, we have to be very careful about nature while setting up tourism facilities.  

Articles on Sustainable Tourism

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